Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have decided to put this project on hiatus. When I first started it, I figured it'd be a great opportunity to capture my life and make quite an impressing collage of photos. After starting it though, it's become harder and harder to find anything worth taking a picture of. Unfortunately, right now my life isn't terribly interesting. I see and do the same things everyday. Now that I've started a new job, things are even more routine, and the time just isn't there. I'm thinking I'll restart this when my birthday comes around. I figure by then I'll have more to share, and that's when the clock really starts for me. Hopefully I'll also be able to invest in a much better camera, because the limitations of a point and shoot are really starting to bug me. Until then, ciao.

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About This Blog

The idea is this: take a picture everyday of the year. Sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's not. Either way, when it's all put together, it's amazing.

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